30 Attainable Ramadan Goals for The Whole Family

30 Attainable Ramadan Goals for The Whole Family

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Guys!!! I’m so excited… we’re just about TEN days away from Ramadan! So this year, I wanted to do something extra special with you all to welcome in this blessed month. Today, we begin our countdown-to-Ramadan series!

Over the next 10 days, stop over here…cause I’ll be sharing a new Ramadan related post EVERY single day. Just so that we’re on the same page about this, these posts are more of a rapid-fire situation – the posts are a bit shorter and laid back than the normal posts you’ll find around here. But…you can expect all the normal themes within the context of Ramadan – womanhood, parenting and intentionally simple living.

Today I’m sharing 30 attainable Ramadan goals for the whole family. The idea is not for you to take all of these goals and try to shove them into your routine for the month… no, no no…that won’t end very well. Rather, I encourage you to choose a few – maybe one, maybe three, or maybe if you’re feeling extra ambitious…one from each category and really focus on being consistent.

Worship–related Goals

1. Pray all 5 daily prayers within the first fifteen minutes of its time.

2. Pray the sunnah prayer attached to one prayer each day.

3. Pray 2 raka’at of Tarawih every night. 

4. Pray at least one prayer as a family every. single. day.

5. Read at least one page of Qur’an every day.

6. Take a beneficial class as a family.

Screen–related Goals

7. Entirely give up one social media account for the month.

8. Put away and/or unplug the television for the month. 

9. Put away all screens/devices once you break your fast.

10. Leave out music this month – even the nasheeds.

11. Build a habit of reading aloud as a family.

Service–related Goals

12. Do a tiny act of service every day of ramadan.

13. Declutter one room a week and donate things from around your home.

14. Prepare an iftaar for a family in your community.

15. Volunteer to clean your masjid at least once this Ramadan.

16. Prepare some goody-bags and feed the homeless people in your area. 

17. Plan to purchase Eid gifts for a family in-need.

Character–related Goals

18. Refrain from yelling.

19. Do a no-buy challenge. 

20. Name one thing you are grateful for each day.

21. Cut out any foul language / mean words this month.

22. No backbiting. 

23. Forgive someone and let go of grudges that you’ve been holding onto. 

24. Stay awake after Fajr.

Diet–related Goals

25. Cut out sugar for the month.

26. Keep a food diary this month.

27. Refrain from wasting food. 

28. Wake up and eat suhoor. 

29. Stay hydrated / Drink half your body-weight in water each day.

30. Try a new recipe for iftaar once a week.

That’s all for today! I really hope you’ve enjoyed this intro post for our Countdown-to-Ramadan series. Hopefully you’ve found a few goals that motivate you and really resonate with you and your family. Stop back tomorrow…we’ll be talking about 5 super common Ramadan mistakes to avoid this year.

Thank you for stopping by ‘Nourishing Our Home’. Please be sure to pop in every Thursday for new posts. Also, if you found this to be relatable and beneficial, please help me out by sharing with your family and friends.

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