9 Simple Sunnahs To Teach Your Baby From Birth

9 Simple Sunnahs To Teach Your Baby From Birth

In the name of Allah, the most Loving, the Wise

As a Muslim parent, even from before you have children, you begin wondering how you’ll raise your child to love Allah, love His messenger and embrace his/her identity as a Muslim. You might picture what it will be like when you have to explain to your child who is Allah and who are the angels. You start thinking of ways that you can help to ease the transition when it is time for your little one to start learning wudhu, praying their five daily prayers and adhering to other outward obligations.

In the first couple years of your child’s life, you don’t have to do much direct teaching. In fact, we’re not encouraged to begin instructing our children on things like prayer until the age of 7. Those first seven years are all about fostering a strong bond with your child and setting a solid foundation. Our children are born in this naturally pure state and through setting a good example in your home and through the people you choose to spend time with, they pick up little pieces of what it means to be a Muslim. It is good still to find little ways to incorporate what it means to be a Muslim directly into their personal lives, no matter how small.

Obviously for a while, we as parents are going to be the one’s to actually perform these sunnahs but as we do so consistently, our baby grows up recognizing the connections between these sunnahs and the actions they are attached to. Through choosing a few to begin with, you are not only building up these particular sunnah habits but also, you are teaching your child the importance of learning the sunnah and following it in everyday life. You are setting the foundation that Islam is a way of life, not just something you do when you go to the masjid.

So in this post, I’ll be sharing 9 Sunnah acts that we can incorporate into our children’s lives right from birth:

1. Giving the greeting of Salaams.

When you greet your baby, begin with Assalamu-Alakum. Also make sure they have plenty of opportunities to see you greeting others with Salaams. It takes just a couple of seconds, you’re making du’a for the person you are greeting, you’re following a sunnah AND you’re modeling that sunnah for your child – wow, that’s amazing! Plus it’s super adorable when they actually start saying it!

2. Saying Bismillah before eating.

Even when your baby is only consuming milk – breastfeeding, bottle-feeding or a combination of both – say Bismillah for them before they begin eating. When you introduce solids, make it even more of a habit. As you get their bib on, help them in their seat and get them ready to begin eating, let them know “we say Bismillah before we eat”. Of course, again, let them also see this modeled from you, your spouse and the rest of the family.

3. Saying Alhamdulillah when finished eating.

I think the idea of saying Bismillah is pretty common but we sometimes forget about saying Alhamdulillah after we’re finished. Take the extra three seconds and encourage your child (and yourself) to thank Allah when you’re done eating. You can remind them to say ‘Alhamdulillah and following that, make it clear that “we thank Allah for giving us this yummy food to give us strength and nourishment”.

4. Beginning with the right side when getting dressed.

Our little one’s likely won’t be dressing themselves for at least a year but it will ingrain the habit for them if you remain consistent. When you are putting their clothes on them, begin with the basmallah and always do the right limb first. When you put on their socks and shoes as well, start with the right foot first. Similar to this sunnah, when you’re undressing your little one, start with the left side. 

5. Reciting the 3 Quls before going to sleep.

This is a beautiful and simple habit to build into your babies bedtime routine. It is the perfect opportunity to spend time reciting or listening to Qur’an with your child and winding down. Not only is this a super simple sunnah, you are setting your little one up for a good night’s sleep. You are teaching them to rely on Allah and ask Allah for their needs as well.

6. Sleeping facing the Qibla.

Although baby will likely roll, turn and perhaps end up in a completely different position by the time they wake up again, lay them in their beds mindfully and with intention. When you lay them down to sleep, for night and naps, make the small adjustment and lay them with their heads facing the Qibla.

7. Saying the du’a upon waking up.

Again, it’s going to be some time before your child will be able to say the du’a on their own but still, say the du’a with your child. Hold them in your lap or near you, make sure they are listening to you, look them in the eyes and cheerfully say the du’a. Make sure you say it slowly so that they can begin to pick it up.

8. Saying Bismillah and Salaams when entering your home.

Whenever you come into your home, even though you’re probably used to saying it under your breath or in a whisper, try to say it loud enough for your baby to hear you. Say bismillah whenever you come back inside and greet the angels in your home. Eventually, when your child is a bit older, this will be a great opportunity to talk about the angels!

9. Smile and be kind with one another.

This is super general but as we all know, it is sunnah to smile at one another and to use kind words and to be generous. The overall idea of this last one is to be mindful of our interactions with our baby and with other people in general. Be an example of a joyful, smiling face. Be an example of kind and caring. Interact with your child with the knowledge that they are a blessing and a gift from Allah.

A beautiful thing to keep in mind is that when we make the effort to implement even just one or two of these sunnahs into our lives and into the lives of our babies is, the reward just adds up. You get reward for following these sunnahs, you get reward for teaching your child these sunnahs and as your child grows up, you get reward every time when they are implementing one of these things that you’ve taught them.

Question for the comments: Do you have any other simple sunnahs to add to the list?

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10 thoughts on “9 Simple Sunnahs To Teach Your Baby From Birth

  1. Great post, it’s very important to teach kids the small things we take for granted, at a very early age. It also sets in good manners and discipline at a young age.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback sister Ree! Yes, it is very important to be intentional about teaching good manners and discipline from an early age.

  2. Lovely post. I think having kids and teaching them this kind of things motivates ourselves too – I’m a revert, and as I wasn’t taught these from an early age, they don’t always come naturally to me, but when we are conscious about teaching the children all these acts, then we become more conscious about doing them ourselves too 🙂

    1. Definitely sister Joanna! I think a lot to do with raising our children is raising ourselves as well. We grow a little bit more each day. Alhamdulillah 🙂

  3. This is so simple but so easy to forget to do sometimes. I probably missed out 4 out of these 9 tips. A good reminder to myself to make this a constant habit for my son to model.

    1. Yes, it can be difficult to make all of these a habit at once. It takes baby steps, one thing at a time.

  4. Absolutely agree that children should not be instruct to do ritual worship (prayer, fasting,) before the age of 7, let alone be forced. Sadly this is what I’ve seen happening a lot.
    And yes! To instill and nurture their faith through example since a very very tender age is the best thing to do In shaa Allah. <3 This is a great post Ma shaa Allah. Those 9 simple sunnah examples will have great impact in a long term In shaa Allah.

  5. So many of these remind me of the sunnahs mentioned in the book I published “I love Muhammad SAW” reading your ppst reminds me that will be a valuable book for mums and babies. InshaAllah will go back to printing it soon again

    1. MashaAllah! I’m glad you have found encouragement to go back to printing your books. I love the title! May Allah put barakah in it for you. ameen

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